Get to know us

L3 Digital Services is the result of a joint effort between Cyntia and Afonso. With a shared passion for digital solutions, we established our company five years ago when we moved to the United States. Today, Cyntia leads the way with Afonso's invaluable support. Together, we provide exceptional digital services to help businesses thrive online. Join us on this journey to digital success.

people sitting down near table with assorted laptop computers
people sitting down near table with assorted laptop computers

Our mission

Our mission is to empower the digital success of our clients. Through innovative solutions, expertise in digital marketing and remote administration, we aim to help businesses maximize their online presence, drive growth, and achieve exceptional results. We are committed to being the trusted partner that delivers customized solutions and ongoing support for the digital success of each client

Our vision

our vision is to shape a digital future where businesses thrive in the ever-evolving digital landscape. We strive to be at the forefront of digital innovation, providing cutting-edge solutions and staying ahead of industry trends. By empowering our clients with effective digital strategies, seamless technology integration, and personalized support, we envision a world where every business can unlock their full potential and achieve remarkable success. Together, let's embrace the opportunities of the digital age and pave the way for a future filled with endless possibilities.

people sitting on chair near glass window during daytime
people sitting on chair near glass window during daytime

About us

At L3 Digital Services, we are a family-owned company that embraces the power of digital solutions. With over 20 years of shared experience, Afonso and I have been partners in both life and business. Our journey began two decades ago when we met in college while studying computer science. After graduating, we got married and started a beautiful family together. Five years ago, when we made the decision to move to the United States, we seized the opportunity to establish our own business. L3 Digital Services was born out of our passion and expertise, providing exceptional digital services to clients since its inception. We take pride in our family values, dedication, and commitment to delivering top-notch solutions to help businesses thrive in the digital landscape."


Founder & CEO

"I am Cynthia, born and raised in Sao Paulo, Brazil, from an incredible and loving family. I met my husband while studying Computer Science at university in 2001, and after graduating, we tied the knot. We are blessed with two beautiful children, a boy and a girl. In 2018, we made the exciting decision to relocate to the United States. Upon arriving, I pursued English as a second language at St. Petersburg College, while also working in various industries such as cabinets, remodeling, pavers, and countertop. Alongside these ventures, I have been passionately engaged in remote administration and social media management. These two core services hold a special place in my heart and are the primary offerings of our company. I find immense joy in helping businesses thrive through effective administration and impactful social media strategies.

In my free time, I indulge in my hobbies of photography and collecting memorabilia from the TV series Friends. Capturing special moments through the lens brings me joy, and my collection of Friends items is a testament to my love for the show's timeless humor and friendship."


Co-founder & Support

"I was born in Jatai, Goias, a city in the interior of Brazil. From a young age, I developed a passion for gaming and following Soccer. After graduating in Computer Science, I pursued further education, obtaining postgraduate qualifications and various certifications, including the CP (Certified Professional) designation. With over 20 years of experience in project management in the IT field, I have had the privilege of working for prominent companies such as Bank Itau in Brazil.

Currently, I work in the IT department of a college here in the United States. It is a field that continues to fuel my passion for technology and allows me to contribute to the advancement of education through digital solutions. Outside of work, you'll often find me immersed in playing FIFA, indulging in my love for gaming. Additionally, I thoroughly enjoy watching soccer matches, cheering on my favorite teams and players.

Collaborating with my partner Cynthia at L3 Digital Services, I bring my expertise and dedication to support our clients' digital success. I find immense satisfaction in applying my knowledge and skills to create impactful solutions that meet our clients' needs in this ever-evolving digital landscape."